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Muller, M., Vandeleur, C. Weniger, G., Prinz, S., Vetter, S., Egger S.T., „The performance of the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales as measures of clinical severity.” Psychiatry Res. 2016; 239:20-7 DOI: 10.1016/j.psychres.2016.02.060
Schuepbach, D., Egger, S.T., Boeker, H., Duschek, S., Vetter, S., Seifritz, E., Herpertz S.C. „Determinants of cerebral hemodynamics during the Trail Making Test in schizophrenia.” Brain & Cognition. 2016; 109:96-104 DOI: 10.1016/j.bandc.2016.09.002
Ehrbar, J., Brand, S., Colledge, F., Donath, L., Egger, S.T., Hatzinger, M., Holsboer- Trachsler, E., Imboden C., Schweinfurth, N., Vetter, S., Gerber, M. „Psychiatric in-patients are more likely to meet recommended levels of health- enhancing physical activity if they engage in exercise and sport therapy programs” Front. Psychiatry. 2018; 9:322-333 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00322
Egger, S.T., Weniger, G., Müller, M., Bobes, J., Seifritz, E., Vetter, S. „Assessing the severity of functional impairment of psychiatric disorders: equipercentile linking the mini-ICF and CGI”. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. 2019; 17: 174-182 DOI: 10.1186/s12955-019-1235-5
Rosenbaum, S., Morell, R., Abdel-Baki, A., Ahmadpanah, M., Anilkumar, T.V., Baie, I., Bauman, A., Bender, S., Boyan Han, J., Brand, S., Bratland-Sanda, S., Bueno-Antequera, J., Camaz Deslandes, A., Carneiro, L., Carraro, A., Castañeda, C., Casto Monteiro, F., Chapman, J., Chau, J., Chen, L.J., Chiu, P.W., Chvatalova, B., Chwastiak, L., Corretti, G., de Jesus-Moraleida, F.R., Dillon, M., Egger, S.T., Gaughran, F., Gerber, M., Gobbi, E., Gould, K., Hatzinger, M., Holsboer-Trachsler, E., Hoodbhoy, Z., Imboden, C., Indu, P.S., Iqbal, R., Kondo, S., Lederman, O., Lee, E.H.M., Malchow, B., Matthews, E., Mazur, P., Meneghelli, A., Mian, A., Morseth, B., Munguia-Izquierdo, D., Nyboe, L., O’Donoghue, B., Perram, A., Richards, J., Romain, A.J., Romaniuk, M., Sadeghi-Bahmani, D., Sarno, M., Schuch, F., Schweinfurth, N., Stubbs, B., Uwakwe, R., Van Damme, T., Van Der Stouwe, E., Vancampfort, D., Vetter, S., Waterreus, A. Ward, P.B. „Assessing physical activity in people with mental illness: 23-country reliability and validity of the Simple Physical Activity Questionnaire (SIMPAQ)” BMC Psychiatry 2020; 20:108-120 DOI: 10.1186/s12888-020-2473-0
Redlich-Bossy, M., Müller, D., Seifritz, E., Vetter, S., Egger, S.T. „Feasibility and efficacy of a psychological therapy (INT) for patients with a schizophrenic psychosis in an inpatient setting: study protocol of a randomized switch control trial” Frontiers in Psychiatry 2020;8:391 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.00391
Egger, S.T., Bobes, J., Seifritz, E., Vetter, S. „Assessing the severity of psychiatric disorders using the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS): an equipercentile linking analysis“ Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry DOI: 10.1177/0004867420963725
Egger, S.T., Knorr, M., Bernstein, A., Seifritz, E. Vetter, S. „Real-Time Assessment of Stress and Stress Response Using Digital Phenotyping, a Study Protocol“ Frontiers in Digital Health doi: 10.3389/fdgth.2020.544418
Brander, M., Egger, S.T., Hürlimann, N., Seifritz, E., Sumner R.W., Vetter, S., Magnenat, S. „Usability of a Virtual Reality Human-Human Interface to deliver cognitive-behavioural Psychotherapy to people experiencing auditory verbal hallucinations” [in review]